Linrosa Samoyeds Questionnaire
If you are younger than 18 years of age, please ask your parent to complete and submit this form. I am 18 years or older (Yes or No)
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Address Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number
Email Address
Please confirm your Email Address
Details of your family's residence. Please select one of the following:
Other: Please describe.
Other: Please describe.
Do you own or rent your home? How long have you lived there? If you rent, does your lease allow for medium to large breed dogs?
How many people live in your home (PLEASE include ages of each)?
What is your and your families' schedule in regard to hours of work and place of employment. Is a lot of traveling involved for your job(s)?
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Do you or any of your family members have any allergies? If so, please explain in detail what kind of allergies and how severe the reactions are. Has this person been around Samoyeds before, and if so, did a reaction happen?
Have you owned a Samoyed before? Keeping in mind that the Samoyed is NOT really a hypoallergenic breed, what reasons made you decide to choose this breed?
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Have you researched the Samoyed breed and feel its characteristics suit you and your family's lifestyle? What research have you done?
Do all your family members want to get a Samoyed or are you/they looking at other breeds/pets? Are all family members willing to help out?
Where will the Samoyed be kept during the day, when you are not home? Where will the Samoyed sleep at night?
Approximately how many hours will the Samoyed be left alone each day? Are you in a position to use a doggy day care or dog walker if away from your home more than 4 hours in a row?
Please outline the family's routine on a school day/work day. Please do the same for a weekend or day when there is no school or job to go to.
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What other pets have you owned or presently own? Please include breed, length of time owned, age, gender, neutered, where they came from and where they are now?
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Please describe details as to your involvement with them (ie: are you their full time care provider, do you do the grooming and training) and any activities you enjoy sharing with them.
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When (what time frame) are you looking to add a Samoyed to your family? Are you willing to go on a waiting list if a Samoyed is not available at this time?
Are you primarily seeking a male or a female or are you flexible? If you have a preference, please state your reasons?
Are you looking for a baby Samoyed (8-12 weeks), an older Samoyed puppy (4-12 months), a Samoyed adult or are you undecided/flexible depending on what may be available?
What activities do you plan to do with your Samoyed? Examples: family companion, dog for the children, obedience, rally, flyball, sledding, conformation (dogshows), therapy work, or maybe breeding.
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If you are looking for a show dog, please describe your experience with conformation, what breeds you have shown, and level of grooming experience?
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Do you have a fenced (at least 5 feet high) yard? If so, how large is the area?
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If you do not have a fenced yard, do you plan to build a fence or buy a kennel run before the Samoyed joins your family? If not, please explain how you plan to keep your Samoyed safely on your property.
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Do you have any objections to neutering or spaying your Samoyed?
No objection, I agree with sterilization of pets.
Yes, I object. I want my Samoyed to remain whole.
May consider it when my Samoyed is mature.
Okay, after one litter.
N/A. I want an adult altered Samoyed.
Do you understand the grooming requirements of a Samoyed (ie: they need weekly combing and brushing and a full bath/blow at least every 2-3 months)? Please explain the level of grooming experience you have and what breeds you have groomed before and how often?
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When you are away on vacation or for work purposes, who will look after your Samoyed (friend, family member, boarding kennel, N/A because the Samoyed will be going with us)?
Do you know if there are any puppy and/or obedience classes in your area? Do you plan on taking your Samoyed to these classes? Have you already researched the costs for this?
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Are you familiar with and willing to use a dog kennel (crate) to help with housebreaking, training the Samoyed as well as to provide him his own safe/secure place when they cannot be directly supervised? If no, please explain in more detail how you plan to house train your Samoyed? Have you had experience with using a crate in the past?
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Do you have a veterinarian at the present time? If so, how long have you been going there? Have you ever had to put a dog to sleep (ie: euthanasia)? If so, please explain.
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Although no owner, when adding a pet to their home, envisions having to be separated from them, but unfortunately in the real world, this happens. Please state what circumstances would make you consider re-homing or parting with your Samoyed (examples: moving, new baby, divorce, high cost of animal's care, personal illness, etc.).
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If for any reason you could not keep your Samoyed at any point during it's lifetime, would you be willing to return him/her to us to find a new suitable home, and further will you agree to not advertise your Linrosa Samoyed as available for sale or free on social media, online or paper classified ads, etc - but rather to notify us and work with us to get the dog back to us?
Yes, I would be willing to return the dog to you to re-home
No, I wouldn't return the dog and would try to sell online
No, I wouldn't return the dog and would give to a friend or relative
If you have any questions, please list them here.
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Thank you for your interest in a Linrosa Samoyed and for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. How did you find Linrosa Samoyeds? Were you referred by a particular person or source? Please explain.
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