GDTRA 2025 Scholarship Application

The Greater Dallas Chapter is honored to award several scholarships to students currently enrolled or planning to enroll in a college culinary arts or restaurant management program.
Scholarship Eligibility
Candidate must:
-Be a resident of the Greater Dallas Metro area (Dallas County, Denton County or Collin County).
-Be an applicant for a culinary arts or restaurant management program, attending college for the first time or current student in good standing in a similar degree program.
-Have participated in your high school's ProStart culinary arts program.
-Have an overall GPA of 2.75 (out of 4.0) or 75% (out of 100) or provide a GED certification
-Submit a verification of enrollment from the school you are attending before payment is issued.

The scholarship committee will score the applications on the following:

  • Spelling, Punctuation, Legibility
  • Grade Point Average and ACT/SAT Scores
  • Class Ranking (High School Seniors Only)
  • Honors-Community Involvement
  • Essay Questions
  • Strength of References
  • Industry Related Work Experience
  • 1-5 years working in foodservice
Applications, supporting documents, and letters of reference must be submitted no later than March 31, 2025.

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Personal and Basic Information

Please check applicable category: *
Are you a current Texas ProStart student or, if in college, were you a Texas ProStart student in high school? *

Application Qualifications

Please check to confirm that you meet each qualification outlined below.
I demonstrate the ability and desire to become an asset to the foodservice industry and my personal aims and goals are consistent with this requirement. *
I have experience in the foodservice or hospitality industry. *
My degree plan is in a foodservice or hospitality program. *
I agree to be contacted for future follow‐up and data. *
I agree to be contacted for future follow‐up and data *

GPA and Transcript - 75 Points

Have you applied to this college? *
Have you taken any college courses? *

Activities and Awards - 50 Points

Work History and Internships - 50 Points




Essay - 75 Points

0/1250 words

Recommendation Letter - 50 Points

Matt Martinez Scholarship


I have read, understand and agree to the conditions outlined above and have indicated this by providing my checking the box on each of the lines provided. Additionally, I acknowledge that all the information included in this application is true and correct. *
Signature: *

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