Couch Crashers Program Report Card
Your Name:
Email Address:
Dog's Name:
Dog's AID#:
Start Date
End Date
Reason for End of Couch Crashing
Adopted the dog I cared for
Returned to the shelter after a great time
Returned to the shelter due to incompatibility
Hawaiian Humane ended time early
Hawaiian Humane extended time
Other (please expand)
If other, please expand.
How did it go? Please give us as much information as you can about your time together.
Car rides have me feeling...
On-leash I'm:
I like to brag about these skills:
When I see other Dogs:
When I see Chickens:
When I see Cats:
When I see Kids:
When I meet Strangers:
My funniest moment was when:
House training has me feeling...
Like a pro.
I'm still getting the hang of it.
I am not sure about this yet, but I'm eager to learn!
If I'm still working on housetraining...
I'll sometimes urinate
I'll sometimes defecate
Sometimes both
Grooming (bathing, brushing, wiping my feet) has me feeling...
Like a pro.
I'm still getting used to it.
I am not sure about this yet, but I'm eager to learn!
My quirks are:
I'll be your best friend forever for:
How many hours was your foster pet left home alone?
What did your foster pet do while left home alone?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your Couch Crashers experience:
Would you participate in this experience again?
If no, please expand.
If no, please expand.
Is there anything we could improve on to make this a more enjoyable experience?:
Please upload photos and/or video of your time with your Couch Crasher!
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