This form may be used to apply for membership or to pay an existing dues notice. Please indicate use below. *
For assistance, please contact the MPGA office at or 517-487-2021.

Company Profile

Company Type *

Membership Type

Please select membership category.

Payments to the Michigan Propane Gas Association and the National Propane Gas Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However they may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses, subject to restrictions imposed as a result of the 1994 Tax Act. The non-deductible dues portion for lobbying expenses in 2022 is 12% for NPGA and 10% for MPGA.
Intrastate Propane Retailer
Any company or entity which is engaged in the business of selling propane gas directly to the ultimate consumers in the State of Michigan.

A retail location is defined as a location where propane is stored, transferred or business is conducted with the public (in person or by the phone) or any combination of the above, excluding public refilling locations.
Required with application for Intrastate Marketer Retailer membership. *
Associate/Supplier Member:
Any company or entity which does not qualify for membership
under any other category, but is associated in some manner
with the propane gas industry. Membership in this category
does not include membership in the
National Propane Gas Association.
Individual Member:
Persons who are employed by or retire from a member company of MPGA. This is a non-voting membership. Membership in this category does not include membership in the National Propane Gas Association.
Dispensing Unit Retailer:
Any company or entity which is engaged in the business of selling motor fuels, dispensing and refilling cylinders. This is a non-voting membership. Membership in this category does not include membership in the National Propane Gas Association.
Cylinder Exchange Retailer:
Any company or entity which is engaged in only exchanging cylinders and do not fill cylinders. This is a non-voting membership. Membership in this category does not include membership in the National Propane Gas Association.
Current Total:
Support the Propane Industry
Make your Michigan Propane PAC commitment today! The Michigan Propane PAC contributes to state candidates, regardless of political affiliation, who support the professional interests of the propane gas industry and the members of the MPGA. Please select your contribution amount below. This amount will not be included in today's payment for membership. You will be contacted to make your MI Propane PAC payment separately.
Yes I would like to contribute to the Michigan Propane PAC
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