Complete this form to reserve your 2024 advertising space in the Propane Journal. For complete information on advertising in the Propane Journal, including production dates and file specifications, click here. For assistance, please contact the MPGA office at 517-487-2021.


Reduced rates are available for two-issue commitments and for MPGA members. Please click here to view all advertising rates.
Cover Placement
There are opportunities for advertisment placement on the inside front cover, inside back cover, and back cover. For more information, contact Melissa Travis. A two-issue commitment and additional fee will apply.
Is your company a member of the Michigan Propane Gas Association? *
MPGA Member Advertisement Rates *
Non-Member Advertisement Rates *
2-Issue Discount (pre-payment required) *
Select issue(s) for placement. *
You may upload your advertisement(s) now or email prior to the artwork deadline to For artwork specifications, click here. The preferred file format is PDF.

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