We are in the early stages of putting together a series of supported, adventurous multi-day flying itineraries around the US and would like some input from fellow pilots.  We have put together some questions that will help guide our process.  
A brief overview of the concept: 
As pilots ourselves, we love using airplanes to explore new areas from the sky.  From the bucket list airports to the often overlooked small town gems, flying around the US is a freedom and a privilege we can't get enough of.  While there are companies set up to serve very high end travel to mainly international destinations, there don't seem to be many options for owner flown pistons in the US.  
The pain point for many is planning these trips and figuring out logistics. What airport has a car and good access to an interesting town?  What hotel? Where's the best place to get fuel? What's the best time of year? I'd like to visit that area but what are the weather and flying constraints I need to consider? What happens if I break down? While this might be part of the adventure for some, it's also a large pain point that stops some pilots from getting out there and using their planes to fly missions they imagined when they first thought about their certificate. 
We would aim to offer all manner of ground support to a series of unique, detailed flying itineraries. Our role would be primarily logistics with things like ground transportation, lodging, food, activities, etc. Daily flying objectives would be provided to the group, but clients would generally be on their own in the air.  
We'd greatly appreciate your input to help guide the idea and determine what would be most important to potential clients. 
In general, would you be interested in paying to join a supported trip like this? *
Even if you don't want to join a group trip, would you consider paying a smaller fee for access to detailed itineraries and fly it on your own time? *
What do you currently fly?
I'd be most interested in this type of flying:
Some places I'd be most interested in flying:
In general, how many days would you want to devote to a trip like this?
A reasonable cost for something like this would be:
While these are primarily flying vacations, would you want to bring non-pilot friends or family along? *
How many expenses/costs should be included when you join a trip?
Should there be planned non-flying activities once flying is done? These activities could add to the cost.
Should meals be included? This would add to the overall costs of the trip.
Should lodging be included? This would add to the overall costs of the trip.
Would you be interested in having professional photo and video of the trip? This would add to the overall costs of a trip.
Would you be interested in having air to air photos of you and your plane?
Would you want to have formal or informal flight training included as part of the trip? Mountain flying, weather, maintenance, etc.

If you'd like to stay in the loop and learn more, leave your name and email and we'll reach out once we start putting the pieces together.

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