Statement of Purpose


Each student’s signed agreement with the Statement of Purpose is a contract between the student and Faith Baptist Bible College. This contract is a prerequisite for matriculation or continued association with the college.  It also grants the college the right to discuss student life matters with the student’s parents, guardians, and/or pastors.


  • I will strive to grow in my love for Jesus Christ, to grow in my knowledge of Him, and to follow Him regardless of the cost.
  • I will strive to encourage others to follow Christ by my behavior, my speech, my attitudes, and my desires.
  • I will strive to study to the best of my ability, to be faithful in required class and chapel attendance, and to serve the Lord in my local church with joy.
  • I have read the Online Student Handbook in its entirety. I purpose to follow all applicable regulations and those that may from time to time be adopted by the college administration.
  • I will strive to be supportive of the school, to pray for it, to speak well of it, and to do what I can to make it more effective for the glory of God.
Signing below indicates that you have read and agree to the above statement of purpose.
Signed (Full Name) *
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