Golf Outing Registration

Register to join in on this fun outing planned in conjunction with the Great Lakes Propane Convention scheduled on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Great Lakes Propane Cup Golf Outing
Represent your state and compete, at Eagle Creek Golf Course, for bragging rights over your other great lakes states and take home the coveted Propane Cup trophy.
Registration will begin at 10:00am and a shotgun start at 10:45am. Registration fee includes roundtrip transportation departing at 9:45am from the Hyatt Regency, 18 holes of golf with cart, lunch and drink tickets.

Membership Status (check all that apply) *
Company Type *

Great Lakes Propane Cup Golf Outing. Please register yourself or your team.

Which state will you/your team be representing?
Golf Registration: ($125 per golfer or $450 for a foursome)
Transportation: *
Current Total:
Liability Statement: *
Cancellation Policy: *