Your Company Information
Your Name
Your Email
Company Name
Packing Slip Set-Up
Click to view sample packing slip
Upload Your Logo
150 pixels x 150 pixels Logo that will print well in full color. This logo will be printed on the top left of the packing slip. The size can be a little flexible and doesn't have to be exactly 150 tall, but it will get sized down to 150 wide.
Website and/or Tag Line
This will be centered in bold right above the footer details and is a great place for your website, company slogan, or both!
Email for Packing slip
Packing Slip Footer
Footer Text:
0/250 characters
Use up to 250 characters to brand your company! We suggest including social media links, any coupons you may offer, or relevant return policies.
Return Address Label
Return Address Name
Return Company Name
Return Address (optional)
Return City (Optional)
Return State (Optional)
Return Zip/Postal Code (Optional)
Return Phone Number (optional)
Once submitted, we will send you a proof of your branded packing slip as a PDF to approve or suggest changes. Please allow up to 1 business day to build this custom packing slip. We thank you for your continued business with our company!
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