Missouri Day Parade 2016
Trenton, MO
Brought to you by The Trenton Rotary Club
 October 15, 2016
This year's theme: "The Spirit of America"

This year’s registration fee for political entries is $25, for all other parade entries we are requesting a suggested donation of $20. All proceeds from the parade entries will be used toward a matching grant with the Trenton Rotary Club to purchase handicapped accessible playground equipment for the Trenton City Parks Department. Thank you for helping the Trenton Rotary club as we help the less fortunate in our community. Please make checks payable to the Trenton Rotary Club and mail to:

The Trenton Rotary Club

PO Box 254

Trenton, MO 64683

Parade Category (Pick only one) *
The parade will be held on Saturday October 15th, starting at 8:30 am.  Candy must be passed out by people walking the parade route and NOT thrown from the entry.  Your parade line up number and your lineup location will be emailed to you on Wednesday October 12th.  Please feel free to contact Steve Taylor at 660-654-0069 if you have any problems or questions.