2024 TRAPS East Region Award Submission Form

Lone Star Programming Award

General Nomination Guidelines

Submission Deadline: September 24, 2024
Only completed submissions will be considered.
Once a submission has been turned in, changes will not be made.
Files emailed separately to committee members or staff will not be considered.
ONE submission will be accepted per category, per organization. If more than one submission is received from the same organization, all submissions for that organization will be disqualified for that category.
Be concise: Write as if your reviewers know nothing about your program, will not be doing any further research on their own, and are very short on time. Word counts are an absolute maximum; if you feel you can convey your message in less, please feel free to do so. The length of the response does not factor into scoring.

About the Award

Must include the following information: explain the reasons for initiating this program/event, state goals and objectivesof the program/event, detail the unique/innovative features of program/event, describe your use of volunteers andcommunity resources, summarize your overall program budget, including expenditures, revenues and cost perparticipant, include number of participants, spectators, size of event/program target group, explain the impact of theprogram/event evaluation on future productions, explain why you believe your event/program was successful, a writtennarrative of why you feel your agency is deserving of recognition by the Region.

Program must have occured within the award period:October 2023 - September 2024

Create a Login

It is recommended that you create a "Save & Return" login, so that you can edit/complete your submission later, if needed. Even if you have used a login for Formsite before, you must have a new login for each individual Form. To create a username and password for this category, click Log in.

Save & Return

Use an account to return to saved work.

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