Boulder Building Performance Ordinance Lighting Compliance Submission Form

Please complete the following form and attach the required documents, including the COMcheck compliance certificate and the Interior Lighting Compliance Form. Submissions will be reviewed by city staff and confirmation of compliance with the lighting requirement will be sent following review.

The Building Performance Ordinance requires that building owners complete one-time lighting upgrades to current International Energy Conservation Code requirements for:

  • Occupancy Sensors
  • Time-switch Controls
  • Exterior Lighting Controls
  • Interior Lighting Power
  • Exterior Lighting Power

For more information visit

For information on COMcheck please visit:

For a copy of the Interior Lighting Compliance form, visit here.

Questions can be submitted to the Help Desk at (844) 811-8785 or

Contact Information

Please provide the contact information for the person submitting this form.
Contact Role *

Building Information

Your Boulder Energy Reporting ID can be found on the notification letter/email you received or on the Affected Buildings List at

Exterior Lighting Compliance Information

Were lighting upgrades required to meet BPO exterior lighting requirements? *

Interior Lighting Compliance Information

Were lighting upgrades required to meet BPO interior lighting requirements? *

Service Provider Information

Please identify the service provider who completed the COMcheck reporting and lighting upgrades


I understand if the lighting submission does not meet the requirements as prescribed in the Ordinance, this building may not be in compliance *
I understand my building is also subject to the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance and compliance with the BPO lighting requirements does not guarantee compliance with the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance *
Signature * 🛈