ABRET Executive Office

Complaint Form

ABRET has a Code of Ethics to articulate standards of conduct required for eligibility for certification and continued certification for individuals who have or desire an EEG, EP, CNIM, CLTM, CMEG, CAP, or NA-CLTM credential. Maintenance of board certification will require adherence to the ABRET Code of Ethics. Individuals who fail to meet these requirements may have their certification suspended or revoked. Each individual bears the burden for demonstrating and maintaining compliance at all times. ABRET may deny, revoke, or otherwise act upon certification or recertification when an individual is not in compliance with all ABRET standards, policies and procedures.

Allegations of a violation of this Disciplinary Policy or other ABRET standard, policy or procedure, or fraudulent use of ABRET credentials are to be referred to the ABRET Executive Director for forwarding to the Ethics & Discipline Committee. Persons concerned with possible violation of ABRET rules should identify the persons alleged to be involved and the facts concerning the alleged conduct in as much detail and specificity as possible and include documentation. This form is provided to assist in the reporting of a possible violation of the ABRET Code of Ethics or to report fraudulent use of ABRET’s trademarked credentials.


If applicable, please upload any documentation or materials that will help substantiate your claim. If more than two documents must be submitted, please email them to daniel@abret.org.
The information in this report will be the property of ABRET and used to uphold the standards of excellence.

I affirm that the allegations listed above are based on first hand knowledge and observations and to the best of my knowledge are true and correct. *

Please type your name and enter today's date below to complete your e-signature:
ABRET/ABCN | 111 E. University Dr. #105-355 | Denton, TX 76209 | ph/fax 217.726.7980