2024-2025 Competitive and Recreation Program Financial Assistance Request Form
Competitive Financial Assistance: ½ the season’s fees. The parents / guardian of the player will pay the other half of the fee by putting a debit or credit card on file, using one of the payment plans on Got Sport before June 15th before the player will be placed on a team and awarded the assistance. Applications are to be received by June 10th.
Recreation Financial Assistance : are for the full or spring only, registration fee of $40.00 for 6U and above and $25.00 for 4U. Applications are to be received by July 27th for the Full /(Fall) season and by February 25 for the Spring Season.
Both the Recreation and Competitive Assistance Programs will require the school lunch free or reduced lunch form for your child(ren) from your child's school PRIOR to reviewing for assistance. If your player is not eligible for free/reduced lunch there is an opportunity to add comments as to why you are requesting help. Parents or Guardians of the player(s) MIGHT be asked to volunteer to help CSC during the season. Assistance will be awarded accordingly to a review of the application/forms, number of applications and frequency of requests.
Date :
LAST Name of person completing form
FIRST Name of person completing form
Player 1 Last Name
Player 1 First Name
Date of Birth of Player 1
Player 1 age
Player 1 Registration Type:
Player 2 Last Name
Player 2 First Name
Date of Birth of Player 2
Player 2 age
Player 2 Registration Type:
Player 3 Last Name
Player 3 First Name
Date of Birth of Player 3
Player 3 age
Player 3 Registration Type:
Email Address
Phone Number
# of Adults in Household:
# of Children in Household:
# of Children Playing Soccer for CSC:
Gross Income: Yearly:
Reason for Request: (Medical Expenses, Employment, etc:)
Upload copy of free/reduce lunch letter of eligibility