Adult Leader Position Specific Training Record

Course #:   S11                                 Course Title:   Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills


Training Tasks Required

Training Reference required: *
 Date Completed:Trainer Initials:
Boy Scout Handbook
US Flag Ceremony Procedures *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Properly display, raise, lower and fold the US Flag.
Demonstrate proper conduct of Flag ceremonies.
Explain importance of respect for the US Flag.
Interfaith Worship *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Explain the importance of religious principle as addressed in the Scout Oath or Promise and Scout Law and the application for membership.
Strongly emphasize the spiritual ideals of Scouting.
Discuss the importance of respecting the religious obligations of others.
Explain the commitments implied through duty to God, reverence toward God, fulfillment of religious duties, and respect for the beliefs of others.
Describe the firm requirements of some faiths regarding observance of the Sabbath.
Make provisions for four major faiths—Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and Mormon—and make other appropriate arrangements based on needs of the local area.
Show through spirit, example, and program presentation, the development of spiritual values.
Tell why religious instruction is the responsibility of the member’s parents and religious institution.
Plan religious services that reflect an interfaith worship different from a “non- denominational” service—which means Protestant and is unsuitable for many faiths, including non-Christians.
Present a suitable grace at mealtimes.
Campfire Program *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Set a campfire program without formal instruction.
Utilize the campfire program to promote fun and bonding through mutual interest and enjoyment.
Create a lively and entertaining program for the outdoors.
Teach Scouts how to conduct their own campfire programs, with or without leader participation.
Campsite Selection *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Demonstrate proficiency in selecting, establishing, maintaining, and breaking down camp- sites with consideration for patrol safety, preventing damage to equipment, and minimizing harm to the environment.
Pitch a tent and spend at least one overnight in it.
Ropes - Whipping, Tying and Lashing *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Whip and fuse rope.
Tie two half hitches and the taut-line hitch, and demonstrate how these knots are used for pitching a tent.
Tie the timber hitch and clove hitch.
Demonstrate the square, shear, diagonal, tripod, round, and floor lashings, and explain the appropriate and inappropriate uses for these lashings.
Use the timber hitch and clove hitch to join two or more poles or staves together.
Use lashing to make a useful camp gadget.
Tie the bowline knot and tell how it can be used.
Woods Tools - Knife, Camp Saw and Ax *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Demonstrate the proper methods when using a pocketknife, camp saw, and ax.
Properly care for and sharpen woods tools.
Explain when woods tools should be used.
Using the knife, saw, and ax properly, prepare tinder, kindling, and fuel for a cooking fire.
Firesite Preparation and Building *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Demonstrate the proper use, safety, maintenance, and care of backpacking stoves and fuel containers.
List environmental and safety considerations in selecting a fire site and fire- wood, and the construction, use, and care of a campfire.
Explain the function and rationale for using fires and whether a ground fire should be built or a backpacking stove should be used.
Prepare and build a safe, functional, environmentally sound campfire.
Explain the types and functions of common fire starting materials and demonstrate how to light a campfire.
Explain how to start a fire during inclement weather.
Demonstrate how to return the fire site to its natural state.
Cooking *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Plan and budget a nutritious, well-balanced meal for one person and for a patrol.
Cook a meal for one person and assist with planning, purchasing, and cooking a meal for a patrol.
Establish a safe, well-organized kitchen and cooking area.
Explain the importance of sterilizing utensils and cleaning kitchen gear.
Demonstrate the procedures for cleanup.
Demonstrate and explain the proper procedures for handling and storing perishable foods.
Lead grace at a meal and feel comfortable doing so.
First Aid *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Define first aid and explain what a first-aid plan is.
Describe a systematic approach to first aid.
Assemble a first-aid kit that includes items for specific injuries.
Explain the considerations for first aid in pre-trip planning.
Demonstrate how to care for someone who is choking.
Show first aid for the following: *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Simple cuts and scrapes
Blisters on the hand and foot
Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or first-degree)
Bites or stings of insects and ticks
Venomous snakebite
Frostbite and sunburn
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Show what to do for “hurry” cases of stopped breathing, serious bleeding, and internal poisoning.
Prepare a personal first-aid kit to take with you on a hike.
Demonstrate first aid for the following: *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Object in the eye
Bite of a suspected rabid animal
Puncture wounds from a splinter, nail, and fishhook.
Serious burns (partial-thickness, or second-degree)
Heat exhaustion
Heatstroke, dehydration, hypothermia, and hyperventilation
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Demonstrate bandages for a sprained ankle and for injuries on the head, the upper arm, and the collar.
Show how to transport by yourself, and with one other person, a person from a smoke-filled room.
Show how to transport by yourself, and with one other person, a person with a sprained ankle, for at least 25 yards.
Tell the five most common signals of a heart attack.
Explain the steps in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Plant Identification *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Discuss the seasonal plants in their area.
Explain the use of plants in nature.
Identify and explain the treatment for exposure to certain poisonous plants.
Tell how they will help instill interest in and respect for trees, plants, and vegetation.
Animal Identification *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Demonstrate knowledge and respect for animals in their community.
Explain how they will create the desire to learn more about animals.
Discuss and identify signs, tracks, nests, and additional evidence of animal life in their community.
Packing and Hiking Techniques: *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Explain the techniques of safe hiking and its benefits for enjoying nature, physical fitness, and nurturing self-reliance (personal growth).
Explain the who, what, where, when, why, and how of planning a safe hike.
Tell how to select the right footwear, clothing, and other gear.
Explain the importance of setting a pace and resting when hiking.
Pack a neat, well-balanced, and systematically organized backpack or daypack that is comfortable to wear and efficient to use while hiking.
Demonstrate the ability to pack items for accessibility on the trail.
Finding Your Way - Map and Compass Reading *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Define what a map is, how it is used, and tell how maps can be obtained.
Demonstrate how to read and interpret a map for descriptions, direction, distance, scale, and detail.
Interpret a map effectively for safe travel in the country or backcountry.
Read and use a compass effectively for safe travel in the backcountry.
Find your way using a map and compass.
Leave No Trace *
 Date Completed:Trainer's Initials:
Explain the principles of Leave No Trace.
Explain the meaning of the BSA’s Outdoor Code and how it affects users of the outdoors and camping ethics.
Commit to Leave No Trace and to apply these principals to all outdoor adventures.
Explain the BSA concept of the levels of outdoor program and where their Scouting units likely fit into this scheme.

Trainer Certification

The above name individual has successfully complete Cub Scout Den Leader and Assistant Specific Training (C41 / C42)
Trainer Certification: Enter signature using mouse or finger on tablet device. *
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Daniel Webster Council, Boy Scouts of America

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District Training Chaiman for processing.

Thank you for your leadership to the Boy Scouts of America.

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