Pompano Beach Community Petition Regarding Zoning Change and Hotel Project at 101 S. Ocean Blvd.

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Proposed Plans for 101 S. Ocean Blvd.'s Hotel Project

The developer is requesting a zoning change from B-2 zoning to B-3 zoning in an effort to increase the buildable square footage of the property from 45% lot coverage to 60% lot coverage. 
They are currently proposing ALL plans to the city with the automatic assumption that they will be granted the zoning change to B-3. 
Some concerns regarding the proposed plans:
- 252 Hotel Rooms
- 18 Stories plus Rooftop Level with Restaurant & Pool
- 210' Height PLUS. (Current elevation on the plans shows "Top of Building Height 225 feet" including all mechanical screens, etc.) 
Do you oppose the zoning change from B-2 to B-3 for the property at 101 S. Ocean Blvd., Pompano Beach, FL 33062? *
Do you oppose the usage of the "maximum height of 210 feet" due to the "slenderness provision for hotels"? *
Continued overdevelopment and zoning changes in Pompano Beach are affecting me negatively as a local resident. *
While I believe that "redevelopment" and "upgrades" to properties are a welcome addition to our area, I am concerned about the larger scale of the building sizes and heights as well as the quantity of new high rise developments already planned/in development in Pompano Beach and the overall impact on our community and infrastructure. *
Signature *
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