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GCJGSF is proud to provide our junior golfers with financial assistance in their pursuit of higher education by honoring our graduating seniors with scholarships to assist them with the expense associated with attending a college or university. There are three types of scholarships available to graduating seniors, which include: The GCJGSF Scholar Scholarship, GCJGSF Program Excellence Scholarship, and GCJGSF Jumpstart Scholarship. Scholarships are awarded yearly, and the number of scholarships awarded in each category is determined by the Scholarship Committee and contingent on the success of organizational fundraising.

To be eligible for consideration for a GCJGSF scholarship graduating seniors must, at a minimum, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Be financial: has paid the full GCJGSF program membership fee for the year that they are graduating
  • Be an active participant with at least a 60% attendance rate for at least two years (Interrupted participation is acceptable however the student must be a participant and financial in their 11th and 12th-grade years)
  • Show proof of graduation from high school
  • Provide college, vocational, technical school acceptance letter
  • Submit a one-page student biography and graduation photo
  • Complete a scholarship application

Note: The items detailed above must be completed and/or submitted to the scholarship committee no later than the month of June during the students graduating year.
