Disbanding Troop Form

Placement of remaining girls:
 NameGradeTransferred to Troop number?Needs a new Troop
Final Annual Finance Report turned in *
Is the Troop bank account at a $0 balance *
Closed bank account - funds sent to another Troop/SU *
Closed bank account - funds sent to GSGCNWI *
Closed bank account - funds donated *
Health History Forms for girls have been returned to the parent(s)/guardian(s) *

If no girls are continuing in Girl Scouting, the treasury will be placed in a custodial account with Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana.

Do you plan to register as an adult member next year? *
Do you plan to volunteer in another capacity next year? *

Please submit a copy to your Service Unit Manager by entering the email address below. A copy will go to Council