Trip and Travel Application 2023-24

Save & Return

Save your progress and complete this form later. (optional)

If you create an account, you may use the same user name and password as your other Girl Scout accounts.
Please note:
1. Our primary concern is the health and safety of our girl and adult members.
2. Your service unit manager will be notified of your trip upon approval of this application.
3. Please do not use this application for international travel. International travel is any trip which requires a passport. If you are traveling internationally, please email for the Intent to Travel Internationally form. 
4. Questions about this application may be directed to customercare 1-855-456-8347,
Safety in Girl Scouting Training Complete. This training is available in gsLearn, *
Step 1: What type of trip are you taking? (check one of the following) *

Please note: if you are doing a 1-2 night trip on Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana camp or property, you do NOT need to submit a Trip and Travel application. Please work with the Property Rentals department to reserve your trip dates and locations. See current Covid-19 Guidelines.

Step 2: Who is planning the trip?
Grade Level: *
Certificate of Insurance is needed or proof of insurance
Name of Volunteer in charge of trip: