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Girl Scouts - Additional Insurance for Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana

Activity insurance is available for Girl Scouts taking extended trips and for nonmembers
who participate in Girl Scout activities. These plans are secondary insurance that a council
may offer to cover participants taking part in any council-approved, supervised Girl Scout activity.
Optional insurance coverage is available for any Girl Scout activity that involves non-Girl Scouts or lasts longer than three days and two nights.  
Instructions: Complete all required fields (indicated by a red *).
Following Council approval, the Council will send the completed enrollment form and premium directly to:
Mutual of Omaha Companies, Special Risk Services, P.O.Box 31716, Omaha, NE 68131.
Enrollment form and premium must be received by Mutual of Omaha 7 days, prior to 12:01 a.m. of the first day of the event. Please submit 7 days prior to event.
This insurance is for Council Code: 430

Complete the following contact information for the troop leader or person completing this form.

Which plan are you submitting for? *