Service Opportunities Feedback
Giving back to our communities is an important part of Girl Scouts and we want to hear how you serving your community! Fill out this service feedback form to tell us how awesome you/your troop are for giving back to your community.
Girl Scout's First Name:
Girl Scout's Last Name:
Email address (girl or parent):
Did you volunteer with your troop or as an individual?
Troop Leader (if you volunteered as a troop):
Troop Number:
How many girls from your troop participated?
For what organization did you volunteer?
How many hours did you volunteer?
Date you volunteered?
Did you volunteer for this organization more than once?
If yes, how many hours total have you volunteered for them?
How did you hear about this volunteer opportunity?
Girl Scout Help weekly email
Girl Scout GCNWI website
Girl Scout social media pages
Your Service Unit
A third party (i.e. family, friends, organizations you are familiar with)
Tell us your story! What did you do? What did the experience mean to you?
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