Pinnacle Award Application

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The Pinnacle Award honors Ambassador Girl Scouts who have demonstrated outstanding leadership through their Girl Scout experience. These Girl Scouts are inspirational and have embraced multiple opportunities to grow their leadership skills, making them remarkable leaders.
To qualify for this award, Girl Scout Ambassadors must document their experiences by earning at least 7 leadership points. The leadership points can be achieved through a combination of Girl Scout and other extracurricular experiences. Leadership Experiences must be verified by an adult who was involved in the activity.

Girl Scouts should be an Ambassador Girl Scout when applying and this award may be earned in their first or second year as an Ambassador.

This application will close on May 31, 2025.
The Verification Form will close 1 week after this form closes, June 7, 2025.

Applicants will be notified of their status in Summer 2025 and recognized at recognition events in October 2025. Awardees who cannot attend will have the option to pick up their award or have it mailed. 

Questions regarding the Pinnacle Application? Please email Alaina Greene at 

Your information

Your leadership experience

I have the following leadership experiences *
I have earned the following number of leadership points: Click to refresh.
An email will be sent to the people you list as reference for each activity. Please inform your references that they should watch for the email and to check their spam folder if they don't see it. The email is automated and will be sent as soon as you complete this form. You may also share the direct link to the verification form with them:
The verification form will close June 7, 2025.

If they have questions about filling out the form, they may reach out to Alaina Greene at for assistance. 

Earned the Girl Scout Gold Award
An email has been sent to Jessica Teuber to verify that you have recieved your Gold Award

Earned the Silver Award
You will need to enter the name and email address of a troop leader or parent who can verify your Silver Award experience. We will automatically send them an email on your behalf when this form is submited but please be sure to let them know to expect this email. 

Earned the Bronze Award
You will need to enter the name and email address of a troop leader or parent who can verify your Bronze Award experience. We will automatically send them an email on your behalf when this form is submited but please be sure to let them know to expect this email. 

Program Aide
If you did your PA training through GCNWI or Camp, we will send an email to the Outdoor Program Team to confirm your training.

If you did your training through your Troop or Service Unit, please enter the contact information for someone who can verify this expereince and an email will be sent to them.
Where did you do your Program Aide Training? *

CIT - Counselor in Training
An email has been sent to the Outdoor Program team to verify your CIT experience.

VIT (Volunteer-in-training)
If you did your VIT training through GCNWI or Camp, we will send an email to the GCNWI Team to confirm your training.

If you did your training through your Troop or Service Unit, please enter the contact information for someone who can verify this expereince and an email will be sent to them.
Where did you do your VIT training? *
You will need to enter the name and email address of a troop leader or parent who can verify your Volunteer in Training experience. We will send an email to them on your behalf.

Girl Rep to the Board
An email has been sent to Nancy Armstrong to verify your Girl Rep experience.

Cookie CEO
An email has been sent to Product Program team to verify your Cookie CEO experience.

Camp CEO
An email has been sent to Jessica Teuber to verify your Camp CEO experience.

Served as District Delegate, Delegate-at-large or Alternate District Delegate
An email has been sent to Alaina Greene to verify your experience. 

Served as a National Delegate or Alternate National Delegate
An email has been sent to Alaina Greene to verify your experience. 

Traveled on a GCNWI council led trip or on a GSUSA Destination Trip or on a Service Unit Trip that is the equivalent

(Service trip must have included Girl Scouts from multiple troops, had an element of girl leadership and taken place over at least 3 nights) 

You will need to describe your travel.  An email will be sent to Jessica Teuber to verify your travel experience.
How did you travel? *
You will need to enter the name and email address of a volunteer or parent who can verify your Service Unit Trip experience. We will send an email to them on your behalf.
An email will be sent to Jessica Teuber to verify your travel experience.

Girl-led special interest group
An email will be sent to the Program Team to confirm your experience.

Provided leadership in a Service Unit
You will need to enter the name and email address of a SUM/troop leader or parent who can verify your leadership experience. We will send an email to them on your behalf.

Provided leadership in a GSUSA Advisory Group, Task Group or Committee
You will need to enter the name and email address of an adult who can verify this experience. It can be a parent, contact at GSUSA or staff member at GCNWI who is familar with your participation. 

Served in a leadership capacity outside of Girl Scouts
You will need to enter the names and email addresses of up to two people who can verify your leadership experience. We will send emails on your behalf.

By signing this form, I agree that all the information is accurate and will be verified by the appropriate people. *
Applications close May 31, 2025. 
Verifications must be recieved by end of day, June 7, 2025.

An email will be sent to the people you list as references. Please inform your references that they should watch for the email and to check their spam folder if they don't see it. The email will be sent as soon as you complete this form. You may also share the direct link with them.

Satus of Applications:
Applications will be reviewed after the close dates. Applicants will be notified on the status of their application in Summer 2025. Awardees will be invited to attend our recognition events in October 2025.

Questions? Please email Alaina Greene at
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