Course Evaluation

Thank you for taking part in one of our local CE Program sessions.  Please complete the below course evaluation.  

Profession Type (please choose all that apply): *
Course Assessment *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Scientific evidence was provided to substantiate course content
Information presented will be useful in my healthcare career
Information was presented free from commercial bias
Technology was user-friendly & appropriate to support participant learning (if applicable)
Quality of the physical facilities was conducive to learning
Speaker Assessment *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
The speaker was professional and knowledgeable on course content
The speaker was qualified and held my interest
The speaker was timely and organized
Speaker Assessment - Amy Todd *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
The speaker was professional and knowledgeable on course content
The speaker was qualified and held my interest
The speaker was timely and organized
Speaker Assessment - Bambi Lombardi *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
The speaker was professional and knowledgeable on course content
The speaker was qualified and held my interest
The speaker was timely and organized
Speaker Assessment - Glenn Gaston *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
The speaker was professional and knowledgeable on course content
The speaker was qualified and held my interest
The speaker was timely and organized
Speaker Assessment - John Rheinstein *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
The speaker was professional and knowledgeable on course content
The speaker was qualified and held my interest
The speaker was timely and organized
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Describe aspects of patient evaluation that are essential for designing an appropriate othosis
Compare/Contrast the indications/contraindications for prefab, custom-fit/designed AFOs
Identify aspects of foot, ankle and knee alignment/functions necessary in specific Rx prescriptions
Identify and compare components, materials, clinical indications used in the fabrication of AFOs
Explain process of fitting and important therapy training concepts
Identify important therapy training concepts that are necessary to achieve long term goals and positive outcomes for an individual utilizing an AFO
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Identify the functional phases of anatomical foot and ankle motion
Describe how prosthetic design has attempted to mimic the functional phases of foot/ankle motion
Discuss the concept of an overload spring foot design
Describe how passive motion feet aide the user when traversing slopes, ramps and uneven terrain
Discuss how powered prosthetic feet aide in normal gait and assist in traversing inclines and stairs
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Describe aspects of patient evaluation that are essential for designing an appropriate othosis
Compare/Contrast the indications/contraindications for prefab, custom-fit/designed AFOs
Identify aspects of foot, ankle and knee alignment/functions necessary in specific Rx prescriptions
Identify and compare components, materials, clinical indications used in the fabrication of AFOs
Explain process of fitting and important therapy training concepts
Identify important therapy training concepts that are necessary to achieve long term goals and positive outcomes for an individual utilizing an AFO
Course Objectives Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives, and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecidedDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Compare and contrast upper and lower limb amputations on general functions, prosthetic utilization, patient populations and impact of limb loss
Review prosthetic options
Discuss prescription rationale for determining the best prosthetic system for individuals with transradial or transhumeral limb loss
Identify appropriate prosthetic systems for a variety of patient scenarios
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Explain the correlation between normal and development of deformational plagiocephaly
Describe implication of torticollis as it relates to development/mgmt of deformational plagiocephaly
Identify key features that distinguish synostotic from non-synstotic plagiocephaly
Demonstrate/Describe the procedure for obtaining standardized measurements of the infant skull
Classify head symmetry in an infant based on assessment findings according to type and severity
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Compare and contrast the classification of fracture types as: closed; comminated; dislocated; malunion and non-union
Discuss goals of orthotic management of a fracture
Describe the benefits of a fracture orthosis to the user of such a device
Discuss the clinical indications for various fracture orthosis designs, such as: wrist-hand; wrist hand elbow; humeral; ankle foot; tibial; knee ankle foot and hip knee ankle foot devices
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Summarize anatomic foot and ankle function during gait
Describe Medicare Functional K-levels and the ambulatory needs for each level
Describe types of prosthetic feet that have been assigned to each K-level and how the feet then benefits users
Identify enhancements that can supplement prosthetic foot function
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Identify the physical/functional attributes of the user that determine which prosthetic knee indicated
Define the Functional Level (K-level) classification system established by Medicare
Discuss variables that induce poor function of prosthetic knees
Compare and contrast the functional characteristics of a variety of categories of prosthetic knees
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Identify basic orthotic and prosthetic services and products with regard to L-Codes, functional levels, and patient utilization
Identify appropriate style and type of orthotic and/or prosthetic devices for individual's needs
Synthesize optimum and most cost-effective treatment options for patients requiring orthotic and/or prothetic services
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Communicate the benefits of using outcome measures with lower limb prosthetic patients
Discuss current assessments in outcomes collection
Define correlation with outcomes and standard of care
Identify trends in adult limb loss populations
Review sample patient case studies/best practice approach to rehab and a successful care plan
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Recall common terms associated with prosthetics
Identify and describe levels of amputation of the lower limbs
Discuss a generalized time line for rehabilitation
Identify typical components used in the fabrication of a lower limb prosthesis
Interpret and discuss hypothetical patient profiles
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Describe the difference between off-the-shelf, prefabricated and custom fabricated spinal devices
Identify the nomenclature for spinal orthoses by recognizing the commonly used abbreviations
Describe common functional components of a spinal orthosis and their anantomical relevance
List the different types and functional use of spinal orthoses
Describe the potential benefits and complications associated with the use of spinal orthoses
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Recall common terms associated with upper limb prosthetics
Identify and describe levels of amputations of the upper limb
Describe the design and structure of an upper limb prosthesis, comparing prosthetic options
Summarize the benefits and limitations of body powered and myoelectric prosthetic systems
Explain the rehabilitation plans for the prosthesis
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Describe the postoperative & early rehabilitation process for lower extremity traumatic amputation
Describe the goals and benefits of postoperative management
Compare the effectiveness of various forms of postoperative prosthetic treatments
Develop a post-op & rehab treatment plan
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Comprehend the effectiveness of various forms of postoperative prosthetic modalities
Describe the postoperative early rehabilitation process
List the benefits of postoperative treatment for the rehabiliation of an individual
Compare the techniques for immediate and early prosthetic interventions
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Outline orthotic treatments for traumatic injuries spinal and lower limb fractures
Define burn and scar management orthotic techniques
Explain the benefits of family and peer support resources
Discuss the importance of developing an interdisciplinary health care team
Course Objectives Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives, and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecidedDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Describe the etiology and incidence of partial hand amputation in the United State
Discuss steps the rehabilitation team can take to assist the individual with partial hand loss achieve successful outcomes
Compare and contrast the prosthetic options available for the patient with partial hand loss
Course Objectives Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives, and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecidedDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Describe the design principles and goals of sport orthoses
Compare/contrast the indications and contraindications for various orthoses
Identify various components and materials used in the fabrication of sport orthoses
Compare/contrast the clinical indications for various sport orthsis designs
Explain the process of proper orthotic device delivery, therapy training and long term outcomes
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Identify the relationship between (CMT), (CA) and the impact of cranial remolding orthoses
Complete a thorough evaluation of an infant utilizing objective measures
Compare the relationship between CMT, CA and developmental milestones
Recognize the importance of referring patients to the appropriate health care professionals
Discuss the benefits of creating an interdisciplinary team approach
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Describe basic pathophysiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and its implications
Identify common orthoses used in the treatment of scoliosis
Specifically compare various types of orthoses
Differentiate the indications, advantages, and disadvantages of the orthoses used for AIS
Value the importance of multidisciplinary team approach in treating AIS
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Describe the mechanical advantages of stance control knee orthoses
Compare and contrast the clinical indications and contraindications for stance control orthoses
Compare and contrast the functional characteristics of a locked knee KAFO to a stance control orthosis
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Compare and contrast the processes of transfemoral prosthetic component configuration of bench, static and dynamic alignment
Identify common transfemoral gait deviations
Explain the cause(s) of common transfemoral gait deviations
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Compare and contrast the processes of transtibial prosthetic component configuration of bench, static, and dynamic alignments
Identify common transtibial gait deviations
Explain the cause(s) of common transtibial gait deviations
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Interpret operative reports for a TMR patient and integrate into the treatment plan
List the impacts of TMR surgery on treatment design and ADL participation
Write goals for patients post TMR throughout different stages of therapy
Deliver meaningful conversations with patients on different types of prosthetic options, including functional differences
Identify different control strategies associated with myoelectric prosthetics and confidently train patients to use them
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Describe targeted muscle reinnervation surgery procedures
Differentiate traditional myoelectric control from pattern recognition
Recall different stages of rehabilitation for the patient with upper limb amputation
Identify rehabilitation protocol differences between TMR and non-TMR patients
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Identify and implement the key components of pre-prosthetic and prosthetic training in the rehabilitation of the upper limb amputee.
Compare and contrast prosthetic options and identify functional differences between electrically powered and body-powered prostheses.
Analyze why communication between therapists and prosthetists is critical in providing the patient with the most functional prosthesis and outcome.
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Identify and implement the key components of preprosthetic and prosthetic training in the rehabilitation of the upper limb amputee.
Discuss the importance of psychological support in the grieving process.
Discuss prosthetic options and identify functional difference between electrically powered and body powered prostheses.
Understand why communication between therapist and prosthetist is critical in providing the patient with the most functional prosthesis.
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Identify statistics that are impacting wound care management in the United States.
Differentiate among orthotic off‐loading intervention options and their applications.
Design effective strategies for ensuring clinical documentation supports the holistic care planning for individuals experiencing wounds due to underlying conditions.
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
List basic componentry and the considerations when developing a care plan for the pediatric prosthetic amputee
List steps for an optimal prosthetic evaluation process and its function in prosthetic design
Identify various types of running blades/sport specific design prosthetics
Discuss potential prosthetic solutions for various case presentation
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Assess rehabilitation goals as children reach developmental milestones
Identify etiology/causes of pediatric amputation
List basic prosthetic terminology and componentry to better communicate with others on the child’s care team
Analyze documentation needs to meet the goals of the patient
List optimal ways to collaborate with others on the care team, to provide follow-up and reassessment as needed
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
List the patient evaluation process for children with CP and lower limb orthotic intervention
Set expectations and make key decisions for optimal rehabilitation plans
Describing the casting, fabrication, fitting and tuning process
Analyze cases and propose optimal care plans based on patient presentation
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Identify the various types of craniosynostosis and resulting phenotypes
Outline the goals of correction based on directional growth needs, cephalic index, and other factors
List general protocol for pre- and post-operative scanning and delivery
Describe the various postoperative cranial remolding orthoses designs and the impact the surgeon and surgery may have on design selection
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Recall published research articles and the pros and cons within each article as they relate to patient care for this population
Analyze the impact published research has on this patient population
Describe current clinical practice guidelines being utilized in the field today
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Explain the significance of the correlation between normal infant development and the development of deformational plagiocephaly/brachycephaly
Describe the implications of torticollis / developmental delays as they relate to the development and management of deformational plagiocephaly /brachycephaly
Demonstrate the procedure for obtaining standardized measurements of the infant skull
List the key concepts in developing an interdisciplinary team approach to evaluating and treating infants with plagiocephaly within your community
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Recall common terms associated with orthotics and prosthetics
Identify common occupation-related injuries associated with orthotic interventions
Describe orthotic patient evaluation considerations, device categories, orthotic management and design
Recall common terms specific to upper and lower extremity prostheses
Identify and describe levels of amputations of the upper and lower extremities
Identify and describe K-levels associated with lower extremity amputee mobility
Describe the design of upper and lower limb prostheses relative to the user’s injury and goals
Discuss postoperative management and early rehabilitation following amputation
Discuss the criticality of time to receipt of a prosthesis
Summarize the facilitation of a patient’s return to work
Course Objective Assessment
The course has met the below learning objectives and I am now able to: *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecided or N/ADisagreeStrongly Disagree
Define KAFO technology
Identify the circumstances and patient presentations that are indicators for KAFO use
Analyze MP KAFO indications and contraindications
Apply key components of gait training the patient with an MP KAFO
Recall medical necessity and justification for the technology
Discuss how to identify indicators that may necessitate the use of an MP KAFO within a patient’s care plan
Describe current evidence that is helping to shape care for relevant patient populations
Self-Assessment Tool: How confident were you in your knowledge? *
 Very ConfidentFairly ConfidentSomewhat ConfidentNot Confident
Before the course?
After the course?
How likely would you be to recommend Hanger Clinic’s Continuing Education Program to a colleague or friend? *