NTDA Supply Chain Webinar Series - Understanding Economic Indicators
The NTDA will host its second Webinar in a new Supply Chain Series on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. During times of economic uncertainty, there tends to be a lot of speculation and even misinformation in the media about the economy and our industry. This 45-minute event led by Kenny Vieth, President and Senior Analyst, ACT Research, will provide a brief semi-trailer industry economic overview. Vieth will also discuss how dealers can identify, analyze, implement, and manage performance of leading (and lagging) indicators to help mitigate risks and develop a plan for business success (i.e., increase growth, sales, profit income, cash flow, and the like).
There is no fee for members to participate. The Webinar series is free to members as a benefit of membership and is available to non-members for $99. Non-members join now to participate in this series and other NTDA Webinars at no cost.
Join now to participate in this series and other NTDA Webinars at no cost.