Voting closes at Noon on Oct. 3, 2024
Teams were given the following criteria and 8 hours to create their design solution:
Craft as a keeper of culture: spaces for making, displaying, and consuming culturally significant works.
The act of making has long played a role in vernacular architecture. Local building materials and building methods play a diminished role in our built environment today. This represents a new opportunity to anchor our communities in the culture of those who inhabit them. Globalization, the advent of conditioned buildings, and the prevalence of out-of-town developer led projects all play roles in creating and exacerbating this phenomenon. The threat of sterile environments and the value of vernacular making are often heightened in minority and immigrant communities where craft is an important keeper of culture. How can space be recaptured as a canvas for local representation through making? How can communities have more ownership of public spaces? What is the roll of the designer in these context?
Create an exhibition space and flea market location to strengthen the H street promenade.

There are (4) program requirements that need to be present in the design solution –
1. A permanent installation providing visual interest, seating, or interactive elements when events are not occurring.
2. Locations for rotating vendors during weekends or special events.
3. Clear and unobstructed path for circulation
4. Area(s) of stasis
1. The site must contain a combination of all design program requirements.
2. Written Team Statement – 150-300 words
3. Diagrams – 3 to 5 diagrams - Parti, Proportion, Circulation, Hierarchy, Rhythm, Major Spaces, Uses, Adaptability, Materials
4. Orthographic Drawings - Plan, Section, Elevation
5. 3D Drawings – 1 to 2 Perspective and an Isometric or Axon Drawing.
6. 3D detail drawing or model showing a key connection or structural bay of the permanent installation.
View the full 2024 InterSchool Design Competition program.
Review the designs up close HERE & vote for the team that created the best solution!
To vote for the 2024 Interschool Student Design Competition People's Choice Award, you must submit a valid email address.  Only one vote per email address will be counted towards the winner.  The winner will be announced on Friday, Oct. 4, 2024.
Select the entry you think provides the best solution for spaces for making, displaying, and consuming culturally significant works.: *
By submitting your vote for the 2024 Interschool Student Design Competition People's Choice Award you agree to the following:
1. The email address I listed is correct and I am the owner.
2. I have only voted one time in 2024.