WIA24 CONNECT Registration

Join AIA Northern Virginia Chapter’s Women in Architecture Committee (WIA) for a networking happy hour during the AIA24 Conference  in Washington, DC.  Attendees will enjoy delicious hors d’oeuvres and open bar while getting to network with AIA members from chapters all over the world. Space is limited and registration is required.  Don't miss out on this tremendous opportunity to discover what various activities local women in architecture groups are championing as well as some lessons learned. There are still some sponsorship opportunities availabile for the event.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
6 to 8:00 pm

$25 - AIA & Int'l Assoc. AIA members;
$20 - Assoc. AIA member or a Student;
$40 - Not an AIA member
Location: Kimball International DC Showroom
1130 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC  20036
Are you: *