CTEI and Perkins Grant Purchasing Reporting Form

Important Please Read Before Completing form

This form is not the order/purchasing form.  That form will be emailed to you AFTER this form is submitted.  You must use that form (received via email) for all of your ordering. Additionally, in the email will be a PDF attachment that will have a reference number on it.  That number will need to be included on your order form.
When making a grant request the SRAVTE office will need this report filled out before the purchase can be approved.  The need for this form is based upon grant accountability requirements and is a responsibility that the SRAVTE office is mandated to do for all funds that are expended.
School Requesting Purchase: *
Grant used for Purchase *
For which CTE Area is this purchase being applied?: *
Please select the outcome that best describes what the expected expenditure will produce: *
If the purchase is to assist Special Populations, please check the box(s) of the special populations that will be served.
What activities will the purchased items be used for? To enter multiple activities, simply click the GREEN + symbol and an additional text box will open for a new activity. You may enter up to 10 activities.
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