Do you have questions about registration? Please visit our FAQ page or contact

Neurodiversity-affirming Social Cognition: Updated Approaches | Group Registration Form

Before you begin...
Registration is subject to availability. Your spots in the course are not confirmed until you receive your registration confirmation email. If we are unable to accept the registration for one or more of your group members, you will be refunded for their tuition.
We encourage you to contact us in advance at or 802-878-2332 x 4 to inquire about course capacity, especially if you have a large group.
Thank you for your patience while we process your registration and ensure availability.
Do you have questions about registration? Please visit our FAQ page.
Looking for more information about our courses and workshops? Visit our professional learning website to learn more. 

Initial Information

Method of Payment *
Please note: it is our policy that registrations must include full payment or a completed Purchase Order (PO).
Completing this form without full payment or a completed PO will not save spots in the course or workshop.