Just Say Thanks

Has someone in Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana made a difference to you, your Girl Scout, Troop or Service Unit?  Help us recognize the amazing individuals in our council who help make Girl Scouting happen!

The Just Say Thanks initiative allows you to identify outstanding individuals who should receive an expression of appreciation from GCNWI CEO, Nancy Wright. A card will be sent to individuals within several weeks of receiving the request.

Additional information on ways to recognize volunteers, such as formal awards, including descriptions and procedures for nomination, can be found at www.girlscoutsgcnwi.org/recognition 

Questions? Please email adultrecognition@girlscoutsgcnwi.org 

You can also open this form in another browser by using this link https://fs24.formsite.com/gsgcnwi2/form105/index

I would like to thank

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