GCNWI Board Approved Adult Recognition Awards Submission

(President's Award, Appreciation, Honor, Thanks I & II, Hall of Fame, and DAISY)
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Nominations for the 2024-2025 membership year will close at 11:59pm on April 30, 2025.

This nomination form can be used for the following awards
-President's Award (for Service Units)
-Thanks Badge
-Thanks Badge II
-Hall of Fame
-D.A.I.S.Y. (Dynamic and Incredible Staff of the Year Award)

Please select the award of choice below to see the full criteria for that award. The form fields will change depending on the award you select.

Volunteer Awards are generally awarded in the above order to allow awardees to have continued opportunitites to be recognized. It is not required that one award comes first except in the case of Thanks Badge and Thanks Badge II. The Thanks Badge I must be earned before recieving the Thanks Badge II.

If none of these awards seem appropriate for your volunteer, be sure to check out the Service Unit Approved Awards that are also available at www.girlscoutsgcnwi.org/recognition

Please note: Each award has individual criteria, including a certain amount of Letters of Endorsement that are required to be submitted (no letters are required for the President's Award).

Nominations cannot come from
-A family member of the nomineee

Letters of Endorsement cannot come from

-The person submitting the nomination form
-A family member of the nominee

Letters of Endorsement and Nominations can come from
-Fellow volunteers
-Girl Scouts under the age of 18
-Staff Members
-Parents/guardians of Girl Scouts they have worked with

For the DAISY Award
-1 endorsement must come from a volunteer and 1 from a staff member

For ALL Awards (Except the President's Award)
Nominees are not to be involved in the process of nomination or endorsement for their own award. Nominations must remain confidential until approved and notice is given. The only exception is the President's Award as the nomination should come from a representative of the Service Unit Team who is familar with the work and goals of the Service Unit.

Select an award below to see the full guidelines.

More information can be found in our Recognition and Appreciation Guide at www.girlscoutsgcnwi.org/recognition 

Questions? Please email adultrecognition@girlscoutsgcnwi.org

You can also open this form in another browser by clicking this link https://fs24.formsite.com/gsgcnwi2/form12/index

Recognition Award Nomination

Please select the award you are nominating someone for

Form fields will change depending on award you select.


The Appreciation Pin recognizes a Girl Scout adult who has provided outstanding service to at least one Service Unit or program delivery audience, helping reach and surpass area and council's goals.


  1. The candidate is a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer or staff member.
  2. The candidate has provided outstanding service to at least one service area or program delivery audience in a way that advances the council’s goals. (Examples: Service Unit, Committee or Task Group, etc...)
  3. The candidate’s service goes beyond the expectations for the position and expands beyond the Troop Level
  4. In addition to the nomination form, two additional individuals or groups who are familiar with the candidate’s service must submit letters of endorsement (totalling 3 submissions from 3 different people)
  5. Reviewed by the Adult Recognition Team
  6. Receives final approval from the Board of Directors



 April 30, 2025

The Honor Pin recognizes an adult Girl Scout member who has delivered service to two or more Service Units or program delivery audiences, helping reach and surpass the area and council's goals.


  1. The candidate is a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer or staff member.
  2. The candidate has provided outstanding service to two or more service areas or program delivery audiences in a way that advances the council’s goals. (Examples: Service Unit, Committee or Task Group, etc...)
  3. The candidate’s service goes beyond the expectations for the position and expands beyon the troop level
  4. In addition to the nomination form, three additional individuals or groups who are familiar with the candidate’s service must submit letters of endorsement (totalling 4 submissions by 4 different people).
  5.  Reviewed by the Adult Recognition Team
  6. Receives final approval from the Board of Directors.



April 30, 2025

The Thanks Badge recognizes an adult member who has provided exceptional, outstanding service that benefits the total council or the entire Girl Scout movement. The service is so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate.


  1. The candidate is a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer or staff member.
  2. The candidate has provided outstanding service that benefits the total council or entire Girl Scout movement.
  3. The candidate’s service is so significantly beyond expectations that no other award is appropriate.
  4. In addition to the nomination form, four individuals or groups who are familiar with the candidate’s service must submit letters of endorsement (5 submissions from 5 different people).
  5. Reviewed by the Adult Recognition Team
  6. Receives final approval from the Board of Directors.



April 30, 2025

The Thanks Badge II recognizes an adult member who has previously recieved the Thanks Badge. This person's work has continued to expand and provide exceptional, outstanding service to the total council or entire Girl Scout movement. 


  1. The candidate is a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer or staff member.
  2. The nominee has received the Thanks Badge.
  3. The outstanding service performed by the nominee resulted in outcomes that benefitted the total council or the entire Girl Scout organization, and is so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate.
  4. In addition to the nomination form, four individuals or groups who are familiar with the candidate’s service must submit letters of endorsement (totalling 5 submissions from 5 different people).
  5. Reviewed by the Adult Recognition Team.
  6. Receives final approval from the Board of Directors.



April 30, 2025

The Hall of Fame recognizes an individual who has been an adult member for at least 25 years, delivered service that far exceeds the expectation of any position, that has a lasting impact on the Girl Scout organization.

This award will be presented to a maximum of 10 people per year and may be awarded posthumously.


  1. The candidate is a current or former registered Girl Scout adult member, staff or volunteer.
  2. The candidate is in good standing with the council.
  3. The candidate was/has been an adult member at least 25 years.
  4. The candidate has provided service that exceeds expectations of any role and has had a long lasting impact on the total council or the entire Girl Scout organization.
  5. In addition to the nomination form, four individuals or groups who are familiar with the candidate’s service must submit letters of endorsement and/or testimonials (totallying 5 submissions from 5 different people).
  6. Reviewed by the Adult Recognition Team
  7. Receives final approval from the Board of Directors.



April 30, 2025

The D.A.I.S.Y. (Dynamic and Incredible Staff of the Year Award) recognizes the outstanding service of a staff member that goes far beyond the expectations of the employee's job description. Their work has resulted in the development of partnerships with volunteers and/or community leaders in at least one service unit or program delivery audience. It will benefit the entire council beyond the staff member's tenure and supports the achievement of the council's goals. 

This award can be presented to a maximum of 3 people per year.


  1. Their work has resulted in the development of partnerships with volunteers/community leaders in at least one service unit or program delivery audience.
  2. Their service goes far beyond the expectations of the position and will benefit the entire council beyond the staff members tenure.
  3. Their work supports the achievement of the council's goals.
  4. Registered adult Girl Scout member
  5. Employed by Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana with a minimum of three (3) years in the staff position
  6. In addition to the nomination form, two individuals or groups who are familiar with the candidate’s service must submit letters of endorsement, one letter must be from a volunteer, or a group of volunteers and one must be from a staff member.
  7. Reviewed first by the Human Resources department to insure the candidate is in good standing with the Council, and then sent on to the Adult Recognition Team for review of the additional criteria
  8. Receives final approval from the Board of Directors



April 30, 2025

The President's Award recognizes the efforts of a Service Unit to enhance Girl Scouting in its community during the membership year. Their exemplary service in support of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience led to them surpassing team goals and resulted in significant, measurable impact towards achieving the council’s overall goals.

This nomination should come from a Service Unit Team Member or an individual tasked by the Service Unit to submit the nomination.


  • All Service Unit Team Members are currently registered Girl Scouts
  • All Service Unit Team Members have met all requirements and expectations of the positions held.
  • Service Unit girl membership has increased over the previous membership year (membership goal may or may not have been met)
  • Service Unit has shown growth and met at least one Service Unit goal this membership year
  • Service Unit has demonstrated that they are actively trying to engage volunteers and members through meetings, trainings and events and have held a minimum of three of these activities (outside of normal Service Unit Meetings). These events can serve volunteers, girl members, families or be used to recruit new members.
  • Service Unit has significantly contributed to community improvement of the geographic area they serve through a service project or Girl Scout Leadership Experience “Take Action” project. (This may count as one of the three events listed above)
  • Service Unit is committed to reflecting the diversity of the area it serves
  • Service Unit actively recognizes, understands and practices the values of inclusive behavior



  • Nomination should come from a Service Unit Team Member or an individual tasked by the Service Unit to submit the nomination. The individual should be able to speak to the work and goals of the Service Unit.
  • Nominations will be reviewed to ensure criteria is met by both representatives of Adult Recognition and staff members familiar with the Service Unit's work and goals.
  • The GCNWI Board President approves or denies nominations.



April 30, 2025

Nominee Information

Please note that fields marked * are required. All other fields are optional.
Nominees will not be contact unless award is approved.

Nominee's adult years and positions

Please list nominee's CURRENT position(s) and years held (if known). Please include voluteer and/or staff positions.
Format: Troop Leader 2012 to Present
Please list nominee's PAST position(s) and years held (if known). Please include voluteer and/or staff positions.
Format: Troop Leader 2012 to Present

Has this nominee previously received any of these awards?

If unsure, please select "unknown"



The nominee has had impact in the following functional areas:
(Please select as many as apply)
0/1000 words

Are all team members current members of Girl Scouts?

*If no, the team is ineligible for the President's Award


All service-delivery team members have met all requirements and expectations of the positions held.

* If no, the team is ineligible for the President’s Award.


Please select which goal(s) were met by the Service unit Team this membership year

*Goals will be verified by staff members familar with the Service Unit's goals


Nominator's Information

Primary Type

Letters of Endorsement

Please list names, positions and contact information for individuals submitting letters of endorsement. They will recieve an automated email with the link to the endorsement form. Please be sure to connect with them so they are aware this email is coming. 

As a reminder: 

Letters of Endorsement cannot come from
-The person submitting the nomination form
-A family member of the nominee

Letters of Endorsement can come from
-Fellow volunteers
-Girl Scouts under the age of 18
-Staff Members
-Parents/guardians of Girl Scouts they have worked with
-Non-Girl Scouts who are familar with the nominees work

For the DAISY Award
-1 endorsement must come from a volunteer and 1 from a staff member

If an endorser DOES NOT have access to submit on-line, you may upload a legible letter of endorsement within this form or email it to adultrecognition@girlscoutsgcnwi.org

Letters of Endorsement will be due 1 week after the close of the nominations.
Nominations will close April 30, 2025.
Letters of Endorsements are due by midnight May 7, 2025.

Person 1:

Person 2:

Person 3:

Person 4:


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