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GCNWI Adult Recognition

Letter of Endorsement for Board Approved Awards
This form is to be used to submit Letters of Endorsement supporting Nominations for the following Board Approved Awards

-Thanks I & II
-Hall of Fame

If you are looking for the Nomination form for these awards, please go to
Nominations should be submitted first. The nominator will be able to list the endorsers and an automatic email will be sent to listed endorsers when the nomination is submitted.

Letters of Endorsement cannot come from
-The person submitting the nomination form
-A family member

Letters of Endorsement can come from
-Fellow volunteers
-Girl Scouts under the age of 18
-Staff Members
-Parents/guardians of Girl Scouts they have worked with

For the DAISY Award
-1 endorsement must come from a volunteer and 1 from a staff member

Questions? Please email

Letters of Endorsement must be submited by end of day May 7, 2025.

You can also open this form in another browser by using this link


Nominated For: *

Endorser’s Information

Please Note: Endorser may not be a family member of the nominee or the nominator
Primary Type *

In what capacity are you familiar with the nominee's performance/contributions to Girl Scouting?

Remember that those reviewing your endorsement may not be familar with the nominee! To help us understand this person's contributions, please provide specific examples of their work.

  • How long have you known the person? In what capacity or roles?

  • Have you worked on special projects or events? Assisted each other in difficult or stressful situations?

  • Any other comments or information that might be helpful--the more details and information, the better our review team understands the person's contributions!
Why do you endorse this nomination?

Remember that those reviewing your endorsement may not be familar with the nominee! To help us understand this person's contributions, please provide specific examples of their work.

  • How has the nominee’s performance been outstanding? Be specific, not just "she does a great job".  How does she do a great job? What impact did it have? How does it go above the expectation of the role?

  • How has the nominee’s contributions benefited Girl Scouting? Use specific examples and provide details! "Her event was attended by 200 girls, which is the highest attended event we have seen in 5 years", or, "the school added 2 new troops this year because of her efforts - she hosted multiple info nights and met with parents several times to encourage them to get involved", etc.

  • Any other comments or information that might be helpful--the more details and information, the better our review team understands the person's contributions!
0/1000 words
A notification will be sent to the nominator to let them know your endorsement has been recieved. 


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You understand and agree that you have read the provisions on this page, including the permissions.  By signing below, you understand that you are providing a binding electronic signature, that communications regarding your agreement with us will be sent by email to the address you have provided.